
 Phillips' Design Probe program: SKIN 。
圖片引用自: Phillips

The Bubelle 。

The Bubelle 。

The Bubelle 。

Frisson body 。

Frisson body 。

   Phillips' Design Probe program: SKIN 原文與圖片請點擊… ,這個探索2020年 lifestyle 的 project 分為 The Bubelle (上圖泡泡裝)與 Frisson body suit (下圖LED),下列為Phillips網站對此專案的說明:

The Bubelle: Blush Dress comprises two layers, the inner layer of which is equipped with sensors that respond to changes in the wearer's emotions and projects them onto the outer textile.

Frisson body suit: Frisson has LEDs that illuminate according to the wearer's state of excitement. Both garments measure skin signals and change light emission through biometric sensing technology.

  The Bubelle 藉由內層感應器感知使用者情緒,並「投影」在衣著的外層;Frisson body suit 則是用LED顯示穿著者的情緒波動。網站上沒說明為什麼要這麼做,有人會想讓人知道自己的情緒嗎,或是藉此可以讓衣服單純更為多變,警示、炫燿、多變…,滿有趣的,core77裡有段是這樣說「These two garments act as gateway devices to communicate with those around us, expressing feelings that cannot be put into words.」我倒覺得這樣滿恐怖的。


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