
Peer Pressure | Alice Wang

  Peer Pressure

  之前 Pecha Kucha night Taipei 於學學文 Alice Wang 就曾展示其「Peer Pressure」系列。Royal College of Art MA Design Interactions 學生  Alice Wang  於 RCA Desgin Interactions 的 work in progress show 展出「Peer Pressure」系列。

   Alice Wang 展示其作品「我這次展的是 Peer Pressure,探討著人與人之間無形的壓力,人從生下來的那一刻就受身邊的人所影響,成長的過程就逐漸的會發展出公共場合用的個性,而真正的你只有你家人和很熟的朋友才看的到,人的淺意識會找出別人的相似點 (頭髮顏色,肢體語言,服裝,想法等),而會對相似度較高的人叫有好感,所以每個人也會不自覺的為了討好別人而演戲,但如果不會演戲或不想演戲的人是不是就比較和其他人相處?產品能不能幫你達到同樣的效果? 幫你在公共場合製造出一個超完美的你」。

  Peer pressure is something we live with since the moment we are born. It is something that encourages us to fit in and be like everyone else. As we grow older, we gradually develop a secondary personality for the public self, leaving the private, the real personality only for our loved ones.

  Social psychology explains how people unconsciously compare one’s own attitudes, values, interests and personality with others. Those with a high similarity are likely to develop into interpersonal attractions, leading onto friendships or romantic relationships.

  However, not everyone has the potential or enthusiasm to act through their life just to impress others. Can products be designed to create these similarities for you? And can these products create the perfect secondary personality for us?

-double sided headphone 。

  -double sided headphone

  double sided headphone,看似普通的耳機其實裡面藏有兩對喇叭,一對朝內,一對朝外,裡面放著你想聽的歌,無論多難聽,開多大聲附近的人都聽不到,因為他聽到的是外面放的那首現在最熱門歌。

  For when you want to listen to embarrassing music but worried people near you can hear it too. It plays one track inwards and one track outwards at simultaneously.

-popular mobile 。

  -popular mobile

  popular mobile,一個會一直收到簡訊的手機,讓你在等你那遲到很久的朋友時看起來不孤單。

  A phone that keeps pretending to receive text messages to make you look popular in public.

-fast typing keyboard 。

  -fast typing keyboard

  fast typing keyboard,在辦公室的小隔間內同事雖然看不到你在作什麼,但卻隱隱約約聽的到,現代人打字數度沒有到一定的速度可能會被人家笑,所以這個鍵盤是個聽起來打字打很快的鍵盤,讓你有足夠的時間找你想要打的字。

  When you are in your office cubicle, your colleagues often can’t see but can vaguely hear you. This keyboard is designed for those who are worried about getting laughed at about typing too slow.

  差了一台印表機的圖片  : p 。

  -positive printer

  positive printer,在辦公室聊八卦是難免的,但你會不會懷疑人家到底在說你的什麼八卦呢?這是一台會說你好話的印表機,公司其他同事照樣可以列印他們的文件,但它同時會過濾你的email, 搜尋一些對你有利的訊息,並幫你自動列印出來。其他和你一起共用一台印表機的同事去拿他列印的文件時就會不小心看到你的八掛,但這下你就不用擔心了, 因為這些都是你想要你同事知道的八卦。

  This print helps generate positive rumours about you in the office. It filters your email inbox and automatically prints out all your positive emails. When your colleagues pick up their print from the shared printer, they accidentally see your print and gets the gossip going.

  中英文文案為 Alice Wang 提供。

   Alice Wang 的網站…

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