16 Damian O’Sullivan - Porcelain Cast for Arm, 2003

骨瓷做的義肢, “I set about redesigning medical prostheses in the hope of arriving at more dignified solutions,” O’Sullivan 表示  “Upon recovery, disposing of these trustworthy companions is simply not an option. Instead, they can be kept and treasured, and exhibited amongst our finest bone china.”

17 Madeleine Herridge - Proportion and Distortion, 2006

銀製中有皮帶的手指義肢, “I find the pieces fun but they can cause discomfort in some people. They have pushed the boundary of what we consider and accept as jewellery,”  Herridge表示。


18 Studio Job - Blood Pattern, 2004

用來裝飾 Centraal Museum, Utrecht 的壁紙,這間博物館展示的是北歐海盜相關資料。

19 FredriksonStallard - Rug “The Lovers”, 2005

氨基鉀酸酯製作的兩人份血量地毯(本期 icon p,116 有作者的專訪)。

20 Michael Sans
- Wearable, 2001

讓腳踏車騎士能在騎車時抽煙的口罩,靈感來自於騎士抽煙時還需要撥開她們的口罩, “It’s ironic that cyclists wear the mask to protect themselves from fumes and still smoke cigarettes, which are so damaging,”  Sans 表示。

21 Tobias Wong - Smoking Mittens, 2003

有個鉚接洞的尼龍連指手套,“This idea was inspired by the smoking ban in bars in New York. People were complaining about going out in the cold to smoke so I designed this to allow them to smoke and keep warm,”  Wong 這樣表示。

22 Industreal - Smokes Like a Chimney, 2006

蓋子造型為支氣管造型的煙灰缸(RP製作), “We are reminded of the unseen effects of smoking,”  Industreal designers Andersson Frida 與 James Steiner 表示。

23 Tobias Wong- NY Pocketbook, 2002

Only two matches remain in this book for the Florent restaurant in lower Manhattan. “It represents the twin towers in New York,”  Wong 表示。

24 Tobias Wong - Box Cutter, 2002

刀上刻有 “Another Notion of Possibility,” ,這種材質的刀涉及 911 事件。

25 Constantin Boym- Buildings of Disaster, 1998-2005

紀念 911 的縮小模型系列。

26 Michael Sans - A last bunch of flowers for my girlfriend, 2002

上頭刻有玫瑰花的子彈,“Bullets are disposable,”  Sans 表示  “But you also dispose of your girlfriend.” 。

27 Miriam van der Lubbe and Niels van Eijk - Baby Sitter, 2004

上頭有皮製束縛裝置的嬰兒椅, “You have to be able to make things that push design over the edge,”  van Eijk 表示。

28 Rogier Corbeau - Bird influenza, 2006


29 Tobias Wong - Gold Pills, 2005

塞滿金薄的膠囊, “All you have to do is swallow the pill and 24 hours later your shit turns gold,”  Wong 表示。

30 Ezri Tarazi - Baghdad table, 2005

用鋁材焊接而成的 Baghdad 城市地圖,隱喻巴格達的新生以及團結克服困難。

31 Dominic Wilcox - War Bowl, 2006

溶解 English Civil War 小塑膠士兵製作的碗,“In these times of terrorism and war, it can’t help but influence what comes out of your mind,”  Wilcox 表示。

32 FredriksonStallard - Brush#1, 2004


33 Yael Mer - Head Hand Bag, 2006

有著男性的臉的女性手提包,靈感來自於聖經故事中 "Judith cutting off Holofernes’ head" ,“The Hand Head Bag can be read as a cynical and humorous product,”  Mer 表示  “But it is important for me that it keeps its feministic approach.”

34 Karin van Lieshout - Roadkill-carpet, Fox, 2001

靈感來自於 road-kill (陸上被撞死的動物) 的羊毛地毯,“For me the road-kill carpet is a continuous struggle between attraction and revoltion,”  van Lieshout 表示  “I’m always fascinated by things which you do not want to see. You know the feeling when you don’t want to look at something, but you still do?”

35 Dominic Bromley - Prophopot Condom Pot, 2001

床頭罐,保險套蓋子有橡膠與陶瓷兩種可供選擇,“Most people find it amusing,”  Bromley 表示 “Although you still get a few faces that colour up when they realise the product’s purpose.” 。

36 Nik Daughtry - Paper Voyeur, Figure 1, Mercury Blue, 2006

用花草型態隱匿的情色圖像, “We think about sex every ten seconds or so,” Daughtry 表示  “Sex cannot be taboo, without it we would be history.” 。

37 Caroline Noordijk and Kyla Elliott - Juicy Phallus, 2005

靈感來自 Philippe Starck 榨汁機的成人玩具。“Juicy Phallus allows those interested in design to fuck the icon celebrity of Starck,”  Noordijk 表示。

38 Oooms - Dutch Delight, 2003

這三組成人玩具的靈感來自於荷蘭老大師 Jan Vermeer ,可以裝滿溫水或碎冰的成人玩具,“We were asked by European Ceramic Work Centre to come up with new souvenirs for the country,”  Oooms founder Guido Ooms 表示  “So we came up with the idea of a sex object, to refer to the Red Light District.”

39 Lelo - Lelo Lily dildo, 2005


40 Philip Worthington and Theo Humphries - Lap Juicer chair, 2005


41 Tobias Wong - Fucking Ottoman, 2004

男性自慰用品,貂皮包覆且可以以各種速度震動,“There’s a lot of sex furniture out there,”  Wong 表示  “But not in the mainstream.”。

42 Tobias Wong - Killer Ring, 2004

相反、尖銳端無遮掩的戒指,“It takes protection into your own hands,”  Wong 表示  “I no longer trust the US government. I don’t trust other people to protect me.”

43 Tobias Wong - Bulletproof Duvet, 2004

防彈尼龍,“We live in a current state of terror,”   Wong 表示  “Alerts are always going up and down. But the world isn’t an awful place to live in. If it was, I wouldn’t have included a rose.”

44 Björn Franke - Traces of an Imaginary Affair, 2006


45 Joris Laarman - Painfully Beautiful, 2004

這個陶瓷嘔吐罐靈感來自於古羅馬宴會,“Now society is more complex,”  Laarman 解說  “issues with our body image” would make us behave in this way. 。

46 Timorous Beasties - London Toile, 2005

這系列織品呈現無家可歸的青少年狂歡的情形,“There’s a narrative there,”  Timorous Beasties co-founder Alistair McAuley 表示  “a sense of reflecting time.”(本期 icon p,124 有作者的專訪)。

47 Studio Job - Charm Chandelier, Animal Silhouette, 2003


48 Timorous Beasties - Wellcome Trust window display, 2006

上面有小果蠅彩繪,“The patterns themselves are fantastic – they are totally acceptable in a domestic environment,” says Timorous Beasties partner Alistair McAuley 如此表示。

49 Front - Rat wallpaper, 2003

老鼠咬洞過後的壁紙,貼於牆面後舊壁紙的花樣還是能透過那些洞顯露出來,這是與 DROOG 合作的系列,除這壁紙之外還有許多利用動物行為所做的創作。

50 Studio Job - Perished, 2006

由椅子、桌子、不同動物骨骼鑲嵌的屏幕構成,“For us the skeletons are merely expressing a desire for absolute minimalism,”  Studio Job co-designer Job Smeets 表示。

icon - Design is evil November 2006 (一)

icon - Design is evil November 2006 (二)

icon - Design is evil November 2006 (三)



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