
Museum of Tomorrow - 明日美術館 。


  theFLOW™ · theFLOWmarket™ 參閱網站應該是一個藝術計畫,網站裡有許多說明,令人驚訝的是:現場的文宣與說明都沒提到這是 theFLOW™ 的創見;theFLOW™ 為丹麥設計師 Mads Hagstrøm 設立的品牌, Danish Edge 網站的 說明

Mads Hagstrøm

Published 2006.06.26

b. 1976, designer and business innovator, graduated from Danmarks Designskole, Copenhagen in 2002.

Founder of theFLOWinstitute, which is a brand and a template that seek to meet the growing demand for sustainable innovation. Mads Hagstrøm has received a number of design awards for the combined shop and exhibition theFLOWmarket – including the Danish Arts Foundation’s Design Award in 2004 and the ICFF Editors Award in 2006.

In 2005 Mads Hagstrøm was selected as one of Denmark’s most promising business talents by the Danish business magazine Berlingske Nyhedsmagasin.


Published 2006.06.16

The purpose of theFLOWmarket is to inspire consumers to think, act and consume with regard for sustainable growth – a goal that is underscored by the fact that the shop/exhibition has "Inner calmness", "Stress killers" and "Clean tap water" on offer.

TheFLOWmarket is conceived by Mads Hagstrøm, director of theFLOWinstitute, which aims to combine sustainability and innovation with the purpose of inspiring people to recognise the necessity of and the commercial possibilities in developing sustainable products and services.

A permanent theFLOWmarket is based at the Danish Design Centre where it has been named best design event of the year and presented with a both the Danish Arts Foundation’s Design Award in 2004. In 2006 theFLOWmarket was presented at the ICFF in New York and returned with one of the year's most coveted international design awards, an ICFF Editors Award.

Throughout the 20th century, the pursuit of technological and economic progress has given the industrialised world great new possibilities, but it has also resulted in a wide range of imbalances and challenges, on three levels:

1. The individual level - man’s relation to himself
2. The collective level - man’s relation to society
3. The environmental level - man’s relation to nature

Both individually and together, these challenges are testimony to an unhealthy development of society. In response, the need for more sustainable growth is moving to the top of the agenda for individuals, businesses and nations.

  theFLOW™操作手法還真像 DROOG 的 Gijs Bakker 。裡面許多東西與標籤其實沒什麼關聯性,但從網站上看論述似乎也沒這麼相關就是,台灣明日美術館還推出台灣議題,但卻出現「No politics(不要政治)」這種議題…人要怎麼離開政治呢?很多「台灣議題」與 theFLOWmarket™ 原來的議題比較起來真的顯得表面許多,大家可以比較看看。

  明日美術館 有寬敞的免費空間與許多的椅子(這很重要),到那邊聊天應該挺不錯的。


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